Saturday, May 18, 2013

The most important corner of your home - "THE BATHROOM"

 I know most of you are wonder why I have chosen this topic. But tell me one something; don’t you think “a bathroom” is the most important corner of the house?? I bet you can’t disagree. Still wondering why I’m writing about a bathroom?? Well, there are several reasons I’m writing so passionately about a bathroom (You just raised an eyebrow, caught you!)

Enough beating around the bush and now there’s why the most important corner of your home is “THE BATHROOM”

OF COURSE YOU NEED ONE TO GO PEE, GO SHIT AND TAKE A BATH. That’s the basic utility of a bathroom.

PRIVACY MATTERS THE MOST:  Trust me; this is most private area in your house. Well, your room might be your den, and nothing better than a bathroom. You’ll find people barging in to your room (mostly friends/siblings/cousins)  but your bathroom?? Well, no one would barge in at least (as long as they don’t have anything else in mind :P ) When you are terribly annoyed lock yourself up in your bathroom, people won’t worry much and you can avoid them easily. You can dream, think, cry, sleep and talk to your boyfriend over the phone and … You know what I mean ;) (DIRTY MIND) :P

BEST STAGE TO PERFORM: Are you a singer, or a dancer?? (No I’m not talking about the trained ones; there are amateurs like me too). Dear reader, if you love singing or dancing, but are afraid to go out in public and show your talent, then the bathroom is the best stage. A bathroom singer is never BAD. No matter how bad/good a singer you are you will be appreciated. To be very honest, I bagged my first big show that way (A CONFESSION). And about dancers, well nobody gets too see you, (still beware) so DANCE LIKE A MAN!!! :D

THE MINE OF THOUGHTS: How much time do you spend in your bathroom??? Think wisely, I can bet 90% of you spend a long time in your bathroom each morning (when you get in to a bath). But, you spent 73% of the time in thinking and the rest for taking a bath and changing. All your beautiful (even the sick and crazy) thoughts, ideas strike you only when you are inside the bathroom. Painters, poets, authors, philosophers have accepted that it’s the bathroom that inspires them. Even Archimedes discovered his great law of density in the bathroom (Hope you all know the EUREKA!! Story). So its more or less a proven fact 


Not sure if its worth sharing with you all, still give it a thought. Love your bathroom. It is helpful to you in so many ways. If you’ve never really thought about it, go to your bathroom and think of the times when you were sad, you turned the tap on and cried. Think of the moments when people discouraged your talents and your tried testing your skills in the bathroom. Think you the love letters who have hidden in some corner of your bathroom to keep it safe. Think of the times when your best ideas struck you while you were in and when you implemented them you came out with flying colours. Each one of you will have some memory related to that little corner of the house, that you’ve never considered to be important unless you needed to go pee. And there’s a little thing about life that plays a big role. 


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