Saturday, May 18, 2013

The things I have and I don't

I’ve never been too fond of long breaks, particularly for two reasons- one, I used to get bored of not doing anything at all and the second, not being able to decide what to do. Yes, I’ve forever been this unpredictable sort of a girl. My priorities changed from time to time, I was indecisive about my career, I’ve been the perfect example of being the most imperfect girl on earth. This time the break was as unpredictable as I am. The sudden closure of college, boring days at home, no fun, no classes, it was a boring life altogether. I tried out a lot of stuffs but nothing seemed interesting. I decided to switch to my old passion of taking a round of the city and clicking random people.
Woke up early that day, took my camera and left home. I went to different places and clicked a lot of people, their pets, birds and lots more. I met a lot of people at Kovalam, tourists, fishermen, and little kids who were playing on the beach. I clicked so many faces that day; I enjoyed the sea, sand and the sun all alone.
On the way, I stopped at a roadside tea shop to get my favourite energy drink, “CHAI.” I met a boy who worked at the tea shop, Hari, who was just ten years old. We became friends in a very short span of time. He could speak English to some extent and that made it easy for me to talk to him. I asked him about his family and he said his mother is a daily waged labourer and his father runs the tea shop and he works with him. He lives in a small tent that’s put up near the tea shop, but spends most of his nights sleeping on the footpath. When asked about his education, he said he is studying in third standard in a primary school and after works at the tea shop with his father  He told me that he love school,playing  with his friends and wants to go for higher studies. He wants to be an actor someday. He also mentioned that he wanted to see the shore temple at Mamallapuram. Hari was such an interesting character and such a cute little friend that I couldn’t even realize that I spent more than an hour at the tea shop and had some six cups of tea. When Hari noticed I was carrying my camera he asked if I was a tourist, and hearing a NO from me he asked me to click some pictures of him, which I gladly did. After I clicked his pictures, (by the way he was a great poser) ;D he said he only has one picture, the one in his school ID card but that too is now torn. Before leaving I promised him, as soon as my exams get over I’ll take him to Mamallapuram and give him a copy of all the pictures I clicked of him.

After a well spent day, on my way back home I just assessed the moments I spent with Hari, I realized that I got more than what Hari has, though I had to fight for everything.

* I have a home to live.
* I am getting the right education.
* I have a lot of little things that make me happy.
* I have people to support my dreams.
* I have a lot of pictures of mine to show off.

But soon I realized there are a two things that Hari has and I don’t. He has a lot more than I have.

*Hari has his dreams.
*Hari has his innocence.
And those two little things make Hari so much more special. Those few moments spent with Hari will forever be the best time of my life. Hari taught me a great lesson; he taught me what life is all about and how the smallest of things make a great difference.  :)

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